Thursday, December 24, 2009


at the days befor chrismis owr chrismis tree
it din`t hav eney space under owr tree
it was /

Saturday, December 19, 2009

i went to the dentist 2 times this month

i wint to the dentist not just going there i wint there 2 times ` in deceber 18th
and the year was 2009 and last of all and the day friday the frirst
they chekt my teeth 2nd was a pit in my teeth it was almost a cavity that was
close of corse hav fun brushing your teeth get those verey yucky teeth clean

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

the big dinner

i had a big dinner
and a big derst`is that cool
baens and icecreem that
make a big dinner
hav fun

Friday, December 11, 2009

i wint to the dentist

i like to go to the dentist it cheks teeth and mace s cavitys
go away
i like going to the dentist because

i choose priziz


Thursday, December 10, 2009

i likemy mom and dad

my parents are cool but the most thing of all i lik my mom and
dad but i like my hole famley all 4 of
us and do know why i love mom and dad becase they love me too

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

im working on skreenplays and books

did you know im a othr? i just work on skreen plays to i use to start working on books
when i was 4 years old

Monday, December 7, 2009


i dinnin`t know what to do i was siting on the floor in mom s room on the soft floor
WACHING SNOW OUT THE WINDOW i shoutdid the snow is melting mom tolde
so now i need to wait intil it snows agen


im 5 1/2 years old now you know that im i N KINDAGERDIN my frends ar mia jerey
bradey ryan zahk jesaka elis samuel kyle brin jack mceze boby kiera charls
arbrey and simpea she's not in class she moovd wer sending cards to her

my birthday

sorey instead of a birthday parttey i changed my minde i new something more fun then a birthday i plandid it in my room
i couldint wait to showe mom and dad it//was SPENDING THE HOLE
DAY WITH MY DAD i must be a luccey kid dad wont even go to work
on that day